
Monday 7 August 2017

Ubud's Monkey Forest

Now what can I say about Ubud? If you are looking for a fast paced and eccentric environment you are definitely thinking of the wrong place. Ubud's calm and relaxed atmosphere is soothing for the soul, everything can be taken at your own pace. Try some yoga  (even if you can't touch your toes), eat vegan or maybe check out some markets and discover something unique. Out of all the places in Bali, this was without a doubt my favourite. I wish I had longer to just be there, or even live there for a month or two but all I had was a few short days. So as you can imagine I tried to pack everything I could in. However, the number one thing I was so determined to experience was the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary. I have a mad love for animals.

In the busy little town the one thing you don't expect to see is 12.5 hectares of open forest with over 700 monkeys hanging around, but Ubud is no normal place. Now when I first heard about the Monkey Forest I've got to say I was a bit nervous, I mean to an English girl who is used to the local wildlife being pigeons, monkeys was quite the step. Building up to this experience I had seen wild monkeys in other parts of Bali (e.g. the top of the volcano) and let me tell you I would have taken pigeons any day. They stole food, hissed and even took a woman's flip flop from her foot. However, the monkey forest was different.

Yes I arrived a bit apprehensive and I tell you what the sign telling me 'not to stare a monkey in the eye' or 'don't run in the forest as this only spurs them on more to chase you' did not put me at ease. I walked through the forest to begin with on egg shells and the monkeys were everywhere. Me and my friend so wanted to feed them but we were petrified (though we did not want to admit it). One thing I would totally recommend doing if you felt like me was talking to the monkey handlers. They calmed us down instantly. We told them we wanted to attempt to feed the monkeys and they were all for it.

They started to call a monkey over with that little clicking noise they do and instantly one came strolling over. However, it was not the one i wanted! I didn't fancy my first monkey experience to be a toddler sized MALE monkey with quite frankly the biggest genitals ever. I instantly said no and asked (begged) for a smaller monkey. He tapped the monster on the head and off the Male one went. This time he sat me down, gave me a banana (stereotypical monkey food) and I waited. Sure enough a much smaller female monkey came along. Perfect - this monkey seemed friendly.

Now I originally thought monkeys would have sharp claws that would dig deep in to my skin. Boy, was I wrong. Their little hands were so soft as they climbed up you and they were very light footed. The female monkey took the banana out of my hand and just sat and chomped happily away on my head until it was done and then climbed off. Also a tip - apparently if you don't want a monkey on you anymore you just start walking and they get the hint. After this short but wonderful experience, of course I wanted another go. This time however, he gave some other sort of monkey food - not completely sure what it was but I'm sure it was delicious. Sure enough another female monkey but this time with a baby attached (CUTEEEEE!) came wandering towards me.

Just like last time the monkey climbed up and I awwed and oooed at how cute her and the baby were. She climbed on my shoulder and reached out to my hand and it was all going so well, until.... WHAT IS HAPPENING. I felt suddenly warm. Now i know what your thinking, Bali is a roasting hot country in Asia and it was probably the sun. Yes my friends, I thought this too and I still wished it was this until this day. However, if you haven't already guessed this friendly little fellow or it's baby was taking a wee on my back while feeding. Classy. My fresh white top was officially stained and for the first time ever I could say a monkey has weed on me. If you would like to see this experience in pictures take a look at my collage below.

Despite this minor blip, this day was definitely a one of a kind experience and is definitely a must do. Even if you aren't brave (or stupid enough) to try feed a monkey you can always get the comedy factor of seeing a monkey steal a man's food.