
Monday 12 February 2018

Discovering Iceland for the first time

In recent years Iceland has become more popular among tourists than ever before. With it's dramatic landscapes, bubbling volcanoes and soothing hot springs, there is so much to explore in this country where fire and ice co-exist. The moment I saw photographs of Iceland on Instagram I knew I had to go. I don't usually don't choose to go on cold holidays (I don't deal well when my toes are freezing) but it was too beautiful to not visit.

Time of year

Picking the time of year really depended on what I wanted to see. In my heart I knew I wanted to at least try to see the Northern Lights (although this didn't happen) so the best time to visit was between September through till April, therefore I picked February. Although this wasn't exactly in the midst of Winter and the sun shone for at least 8 hours the temperature at times was still below freezing, meaning some serious layers were required. When I was packing I turned my nose up at my hot pink thermal top and was like maaaaaan this isn't fashionable but trust me you won't care about fashion when you get there. The only country that is freezing and really cares about fashion is Russia. I really owe it to that thermal top, I could have been a lot colder. So i guess top tip number one, pack your thermals and some serious walking boots.


One thing Iceland is extremely well know for or Scandinavia in general is how expensive it is. You think London is costly, well London is like shopping in PoundLand when you visit Iceland. When I was there all my money went on transportation and meals. Unless you have all the money in the world you won't be going shopping in Iceland. The most I bought was a fridge magnet which was £8 alone. Meals were also rather expensive coming on average to £20 each for a meal. So my best advice would be to not eat out all the time. We found a local supermarket called Bonus which was much cheaper than any of the small convenience stores and bought ourselves a little sandwich making kit so we were only eating out for one meal a day. 


On holiday I like to take it easy and that normally means taking taxis, coaches or public transportation. However, in Iceland what I would recommend is hiring a car. I know what's going through your mind. What about driving on the other side of the road? Are the roads not really icy? Is it not easier to take another form of transport? Well I'm going to stop you right there. Hiring a car is actually a lot cheaper and more practical than any other form transportation also the cars in Iceland are built for these weather conditions. Hiring a car means you can drive the 40 minute drive from the airport to Reykjavik with ease, drive to the blue lagoon or even discover the Golden Circle in your own time without the need for paying an extortionate amount - did I mention Iceland is expensive already?! We hired our car from an airport dealer called Budget cars and it cost us £70 each for the entire time we were there with only £40 extra between us towards petrol. Getting to and from the airport alone was £30 each as was the Blue Lagoon and on top of that Golden Circle tour we found was £100 each. Therefore we saved ourselves £50 each or more from hiring a car. 


Although there are quite a few cities in Iceland, Reykjavik is definitely the place to stay for first timers. Being the country's capital with the largest population in Iceland (just over 120,000), this city definitely has the most to offer in terms of discovering Iceland's culture through art, restaurants and history. You can choose to stay in the city centre which can vary on expense depending if you want to stay in a hostel or a swanky hotel. Or you can stay somewhere a little walk out where there are also buses available - which is what we did. We stayed at the Icelandair Hotel Reykjavik Natura which was a 25 minute pleasant walk in to the city centre or a 4 minute bus journey. The bus pass was free from the hotel which was a massive bonus for those nights full of snow blizzards. The hotel itself was lovely with a great restaurant/bar and even came with a gym for those fitness fanatics like myself. 


As I mentioned earlier eating out can be expensive in Iceland but there are some quirky places which you should definitely try. The Laundromat was number one on my list. I discovered this kooky restaurant on Instagram the week before I flew to Iceland. The point of this restaurant is to have somewhere to do your laundry but also socialise and eat in a comfortable environment. The average price was around £20 for a meal. Another great place was Eldur & Is which translates as Fire & Ice. This amazing little find does incredible sweet and savoury crepes and is perfect for brunch or breakfast. With a price tag of only £10 per meal - extremely cheap in Iceland - what have you got to lose.


As for activities, there is honestly so much to see in Iceland but you've got to make sure you do the basics in your first time. In Reykjavik itself you need to see the best view of the city from Hallgrimskirkja (the largest church in Iceland) and visit the Harpa, the iconic concert hall (recently featured in Black Mirror).  Relaxing in the Blue Lagoon with a facemask is also a huge must. Though it is very touristy, it's a calm and serene place and you really feel the health benefits after. Finally last but certainly not least, The Golden Circle. This is where the car comes in handy due to it being a four hour round trip. On the drive alone you will see astounding views of the Icelandic countryside and Mount Esjan. You might even be lucky enough to see Arctic Horses -  my favourite bit. Although, the stops along the way such as Thingvellir National Park, Geysir and Gullfoss make the trip so worth worth while and make you appreciate the Earth's natural beauty.

There is so much more I want to do in Iceland such as going to see the seals, whale watching or even trekking up mount Esjan and I hope to be able to return there at some point in the near future as there is so much more to explore. I hope these tips help you discover Iceland the best way...

Sunday 4 February 2018

A Letter To My Childhood Self...

Dear Younger Me,

Often I look back and wonder if I knew what I know now back when I was in my childhood years, would things have been different? Would I not have worried as much? More than likely. There are so many things I want to tell you, where to start...
Even the smallest of things, like don't worry about the colour of your hair. Yes it shines the light of a thousand suns and occasionally you may be called albino but honestly those idiots who call you that are actually just jealous. Your hair colour is literally one in a million, people pay so much money to even get their hair that colour in the hairdressers and you have it effortlessly. You'll realise that when you are asked numerous times 'Is that your real hair colour?!'. Do you not remember that time you got your Mum and Dad free drinks in a pub just for the colour of your hair? I can't even believe I wanted to dye my hair black...what was I thinking? This hair gets people free alcohol!

When you were younger you dreamed about being a dolphin trainer or at least working with dolphins.  Turns out your actual job was very different - marketing. Sometimes I look back and think damn I wish I had worked with animals or why didn't I do biology in my A-Levels!? Don't be too sad though you've entered an amazing, thriving industry which is only going to get better. Guess I'll just have to replace the animal craving with a million pets.

Don't stress about meeting the one and being married with kids by 20. I know all those Disney films saw the respective princess find their partner at 17 but reality just isn't like that. As my mum would say you've got to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince, and I did just that. Some times it takes a bit longer to find someone who's your partner and your best friend. You'll know when you find them and you'll never be happier.

I wish I could tell you to be more confident. Believe it or not people aren't judging you, they want to hear from you. There is no need to be shy and hide behind your parents at every chance you get.

Enjoy every second you have with your friends and family. Your parents or sibling might seem like the enemy when you're growing up but really they are your best friends. You can count on them to never let you down. With friends, yes you may lose some who you thought would be there forever throughout your life but don't regret being friends with them. They help shape you as a person and have amazing experiences. Believe it or not you are going to meet some of your best friends when you're older out of school and even out of university at times.

And finally, last but not least, I know you hated the 12 minute run in school and it was the worst thing ever, but girl you can run for even longer than that now. You actually will learn to love exercise and be constantly at the gym most mornings. I know, hard to believe right.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, live in the moment, opinions and people change but that's okay. You'll always have a light guiding you home.

Friday 19 January 2018

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind.

Yes, yes I know. Another post about January and how depressing it is. "Tell me something I don't know" I hear you say. January however is an important month to feel happy and healthy, especially when there is a day called Blue Monday.

One way I'll be making January positive is by keeping fit. Now I know some of you might stop reading right now at the mention of exercise, and I promise you I was like this up until the age of 21, but trust me you'll want to keep reading. Exercise doesn't just physically make you feel amazing but it mentally boosts your mood (you've got to love some endorphins). Put it this way you're going to have a banging body with the positivity to match.

If i know the day ahead is going to be stressful, there is nothing better than starting the day with a 45 minute exercise class. Whether it is spinning, yoga or hardcore kettle bells, my mood instantly lifts and I am distracted from my anxious thoughts. Before I even get to work I'm eager to start the day. Yes, I've had to get up an hour or so earlier but I have more energy than ever. Why not buy yourself some colourful gym gear to inspire you! Check out mine below...

Try to commit to your routine and schedule exercise regularly in to your calendar. If it helps try get a friend to join you or mix up the type of exercise you do, that way it won't get repetitive and you'll be more encouraged to do it. It might seem daunting joining the gym in January especially when everyone who already goes always moans "here come the new year new me people", but prove them wrong and show them you're there for the long run, and not just until February. Or if the gym isn't your thing workout from home - you might feel more comfortable here.

Exercise isn't the only way to have a healthy body and mind though, a balanced diet is also important.  I'm as guilty as the next person for eating a cheeky takeaway or snacking throughout the day, especially when I have a Nandos 2 minutes walk away. Oh Nandos, why are you so delicious?! I am not saying you can't have a takeaway but you'll appreciate it more when it's a treat and not a regular occurrence.

Healthy food is still delicious! I know, news to me too but it's true. It doesn't just have to be a salad and soup believe it or not. Buy yourself a cook book and make your meals from scratch, know exactly what ingredients you are putting in. I would recommend investing in Madeline Shaw's Get The Glow, Leon: Fast & Free or The Detox Kitchen Bible. All of these recipe books are full of healthy, nourishing recipes to kick your body back in to shape and give you a positive mindset.

Finally, the one everyone's been dreading, not drinking as much alcohol. I know everyone loves a mid-week glass of wine or the occasion binge on the weekend but not drinking in January has really improved myself mentally (and seriously decreased my sugar intake). I don't know about you but I get 'the fear' (aka beer fear, aka omg what did I say to that person I like?!). It's this kind of anxiety I just don't need that in January. Without alcohol your mind is clear and your purse is heavier. Win win I think. Now I'm not saying I'm never drinking again, because when working in a marketing agency it is inevitable, but I'll definitely be cutting down.

So let's all start the New Year with a healthy body, healthy mind.

Saturday 6 January 2018

24 hours in Lisbon

I'd never been to Lisbon before (or at least my Dad said I had when I was little but I couldn't remember) so obviously I jumped at the chance when I was going to be in Portugal for a short holiday. I only had 24 hours so had to make it count, but Woooooooow it was worth it!

As soon as I got off the plane I was straight into it. The taxi driver listed her favourite places to us and I put in some research too and scheduled our day. I know, I know, it's good to be spontaneous... but not when you have 24 hours. So after lunch we started exploring while of course popping into Bershka on the way. I mean a girl's got needs and a girl needs jeans.

Here's my top things to see or do in Lisbon -

1. Castelo De S. Jorge

Price - 8, 50 € per person
This was a recommendation by the taxi driver and I totally underestimated this landmark. Not only was the Castle itself beautiful but the view of Lisbon was incredible, and best of all you got to enjoy it with a glass of wine from the 'wine with a view' stand. Yes the wine was pricey but I can honestly say it was worth it, the atmosphere was so relaxing. After a cheeky glass of wine you can then go on to explore the castle itself and walk along the top of the building.

2. Praca do Comercio

This beautiful square near the Tagus River is definitely something that needs to be seen with it being one of Lisbon's grandest squares. Many, many years ago everyone arriving in Lisbon by boat used to disembark here, and the Praca do Comercio symbolised the entrance or gate way to Lisbon. Grab a cocktail in one of the squares many restaurants or just relax by the sea front and enjoy the view.

3. Amoreiras 360 View

Price - up to 5€ per person
If you only have a short stay in Lisbon like myself and don't have time to visit every single attraction,  have no fear you can now see it all from the sky! I would have never known about the Amoreiras 360 View if it wasn't for a large billboard outside the airport - but that's advertising for you! It is a little walk out of the city centre and up a hill and at first it seemed quite unusual being at the top of a shopping centre, but when you reach the top it is the most impressive panoramic view. You can witness the whole of Lisbon right before you're very eyes - Lisbon Cathedral, Cristo Rei and so much more. I found the best time to come here was an hour before closing time as we had pretty much the whole of the viewing platform to ourselves.

4. Sala de Corte
Price - up to 40€ per person

After living in London for so long I know that the most amazing restaurants are those that tourists never usually find from wandering the streets. Therefore, researching quirky restaurants helped me discover the little gem Sala de Corte, a steak restaurant in the heart of Lisbon totally devoted to meat, so if you're vegan or vegetarian you might want to sit this one out. When we first arrived I knew instantly it was popular as there was already a queue of people waiting for a table. Though we waited for 40 minutes, we were able to soak up the atmosphere with a drink outside, and boy was the food worth the wait.

Of course this lively city has so much more to offer and explore than just the options I have suggested  but these are definitely my top picks. So go and discover Lisbon for yourself and if you need anywhere affordable, quirky and central to stay try the Passport Hostel... you won't be disappointed!