
Sunday 4 February 2018

A Letter To My Childhood Self...

Dear Younger Me,

Often I look back and wonder if I knew what I know now back when I was in my childhood years, would things have been different? Would I not have worried as much? More than likely. There are so many things I want to tell you, where to start...
Even the smallest of things, like don't worry about the colour of your hair. Yes it shines the light of a thousand suns and occasionally you may be called albino but honestly those idiots who call you that are actually just jealous. Your hair colour is literally one in a million, people pay so much money to even get their hair that colour in the hairdressers and you have it effortlessly. You'll realise that when you are asked numerous times 'Is that your real hair colour?!'. Do you not remember that time you got your Mum and Dad free drinks in a pub just for the colour of your hair? I can't even believe I wanted to dye my hair black...what was I thinking? This hair gets people free alcohol!

When you were younger you dreamed about being a dolphin trainer or at least working with dolphins.  Turns out your actual job was very different - marketing. Sometimes I look back and think damn I wish I had worked with animals or why didn't I do biology in my A-Levels!? Don't be too sad though you've entered an amazing, thriving industry which is only going to get better. Guess I'll just have to replace the animal craving with a million pets.

Don't stress about meeting the one and being married with kids by 20. I know all those Disney films saw the respective princess find their partner at 17 but reality just isn't like that. As my mum would say you've got to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince, and I did just that. Some times it takes a bit longer to find someone who's your partner and your best friend. You'll know when you find them and you'll never be happier.

I wish I could tell you to be more confident. Believe it or not people aren't judging you, they want to hear from you. There is no need to be shy and hide behind your parents at every chance you get.

Enjoy every second you have with your friends and family. Your parents or sibling might seem like the enemy when you're growing up but really they are your best friends. You can count on them to never let you down. With friends, yes you may lose some who you thought would be there forever throughout your life but don't regret being friends with them. They help shape you as a person and have amazing experiences. Believe it or not you are going to meet some of your best friends when you're older out of school and even out of university at times.

And finally, last but not least, I know you hated the 12 minute run in school and it was the worst thing ever, but girl you can run for even longer than that now. You actually will learn to love exercise and be constantly at the gym most mornings. I know, hard to believe right.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, live in the moment, opinions and people change but that's okay. You'll always have a light guiding you home.

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